On Sun, Mar 04, 2001 at 01:07:56PM +0100, Alexander Skwar wrote:
> Nice ?  So it's not just me who thinks that MandrakeUpdate is REALLY
> missing....

Yeah, well the MDK folks keep saying it's rpmdrake.  I wish just one
of them would describe how to keep a Cooker up to date using the tool.
The lack of resonse to many queries indicates to me that it cannot be
done and as such it is not ready to replace MandrakeUpdate.

> Are there any command line tools that would do what I want 
> (besides rpm -F *, which also doesn't do what I want, since it updates
> EVERYTHING that I have installled)

There is that one that is in beta right now and being discussed fairly
frequently on the list.  I don't recall the name however.


Brian J. Murrell

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