> Well, I can put it up somewhere if I have to, but it's much easier for me
> to drop it into incoming - which I thought was the preferred way.

Well there are a couple of ways ... I don't know for the others but my
preferred way would be that I can get it with wget myself. :) Again, this
is just my personal biased preference ..

> BTW, what should I put into the subject line to make it more
> noticeable?  And does this mean that you've taken over from Lenny as
> contribs manager?
> In case you didn't see it, I've also uploaded oregano-0.22.

Uh, no. But I can upload to contribs if I want to. I put out Amaya in the
first place because I think it's nice to let people test the latest
standards with a browser, and it's Amaya which makes this possible.

I don't think that there's any correct way to send to a fix / contribs. 

My personal suggestion (again this is my personal preference, not necessarliy
in that order)

(1) Mail the maintainer privately.
(2) Mail to cooker.
(3) Do (1) and (2).
(4) If it's contribs then the general rule is to write to Lenny (lenny@),
    probably with a CC: to cooker, or vice versa, as you like.

Geoffrey Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


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