A few comments on RC1 of 8.0

First off in the slides that run during the package installation,  The
wording needs to change.
"Thanks to have chosen Linux-Mandrake"  Just doen't sound right.  how
about "Thank you for chosing Linux-Mandrake"  or something along those

Second, On my system during the install and normal running I constantly
get console messages:
"usb-uhci.c: interrupt, Status 3, frame 716"  the last number varies on
every message.
My system is has a Epox 8kta mainboard with a duron 700.  I use a
logitech wheel mouse - usb. also plugged into usb is my HP 882C inkjet.

Third, the I boot into X with kdm, the user list includes all the
"builtin users" along with the created ones, ie it includes alias,
axfrdns, dnscache, dnslog......... 

and finally, in a gnome session I like to use the menu bar at the top,
and the programs menus are all messed up.  They have the normal gnome
menu's at the top, and then a seperater with the mandrake menus that are
not common with the gnome ones, and then a nother seperator with the
normal mandrake menus.  the gnome menus are merged with the mandrake
ones, meaning in "Applications"  I have the gnome apps, plus the normal
mandrake sub-menus.  Menu Drake and gnome menu edit both seem to not be
able to help this problem.  The Mandrake Menus section should be removed
since they are all already there/merged with the gnome menus.

this all leads to a lot of confusion.

Below is a listing of what my menu looks like when I click on "Programs"
from the menu panel in gnome:

-Applications >
-Utilities >
-Development >
-Games >
-Graphics >
-Internet >
-Multimedia >
-Settings >
-Help system
-File Manager
-Office >
-Terminals >
-Networking >
-Configuration >
-Amusement >
-Documentation >
Mandrake Menus
-Multimedia >
-Office >
-Applications >
-Terminals >
-Networking >
-Configuration >
-Amusement >
-Documentation >
-Applets >

Other than the above things seem to be going okay.... oh yea, I can't
connect to qa.mandrakesoft.com

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