On Thursday 09 August 2001 04:53, Lonnie Cumberland wrote:
> Well, I was just thinking back to the days of Novell and seem to remember
> that when a user logged in, they were mapped into their own user space and
> generally did not have access to other areas.

you could eset up your linux box to have that proprty.  I dont recommend it 

> I though that this was a nice security issue.

Not really.  Being able to see what's in /usr/bin doesnt really open secirty 
holes.  It does ruin the security aspect called "unpredictability."

> Also, the users could run applications by having a local "bin" link and
> path setting.

No, because links would resolve to directory the user cant access.

> I was just playing with some ideas and wanted to investigate them.

Try this:
[movits@movitslinux movits]$ su
[root@movitslinux movits]# cd /
[root@movitslinux /]# mkdir /test
[root@movitslinux /]# chmod 771 /test
[root@movitslinux /]# cp /usr/bin/tree /test/
[root@movitslinux /]# ls -l|grep test
drwxrwx--x    2 root     root         4096 Aug  9 17:43 test/
[root@movitslinux /]# exit
[movits@movitslinux movits]$ cd /test
[movits@movitslinux /test]$ ls
ls: .: Permission denied
[movits@movitslinux /test]$ ./tree /


Understand it?

Mordy Ovits           Give a man a fish, he owes you one fish. 
Network Engineer   Teach a man to fish, and you give up
Bloomberg L.P.       your monopoly on fisheries.

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