You can run their shell in restricted mode. If the user's shell is bash then 
the restricted counterpart is rbash or bash -r. The user wont be able the 
move outside his home dir. For more info see the man page.


On August 9, 2001 04:18 pm, you wrote:
> Hi All,
> The small distro link was exactly what I think that I am look for. I will
> investigate it further.
> I know that you can change permissions on directories to prevent a user
> from entering a specific directory tree, but is there a way to prevent a
> user from exiting out of a specific directory?
> For example, is there a way to prevent the users from leaving their own
> home directories?
> Thanks Again,
> Lonnie
> ----
> Lonnie Cumberland
> OutStep Technologies Incorporated
> URL:

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