On Thu, Aug 09, 2001 at 04:18:04PM -0400, Lonnie Cumberland wrote:
> Hi All,


> I know that you can change permissions on directories to prevent a user from
> entering a specific directory tree, but is there a way to prevent a user from
> exiting out of a specific directory?

Can we make a deal?  I will answer your question with (what I think
is) exactly what you are looking for.  Your end of the deal is to
please take "howto" questions to the newbie or expert mailing lists.

This question you are asking has got *nothing* to do with Cooker.
Cooker is about testing and feedback for the ongoing work towards the
next release.  It is not meant to find out how to use Mandrake Linux
but rather to report problems and make suggestions that will make
upcoming releases more robust.

> For example, is there a way to prevent the users from leaving their own home
> directories?

You are looking for the "restricted shell" or restricted mode of bash.
"man bash" will tell you everything about it.  Look in the section
"RESTRICTED SHELL" in the bash manpage.

> Thanks Again,

Thank you for your co-operation in keeping the noise on the Cooker
list down.


Brian J. Murrell

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