Michel Alexandre Salim wrote:
> On Wednesday 12 September 2001 3:49 pm, you wrote:
> > Robert L Martin wrote:
> > >  And frankly, I don't think it would
> > > be a "clean strike" (as if there's something like this...) just against
> > > Bin Laden or the leaders of Afghanistan
> > > ---------------------------------------------
> > > would bombing the capitol of afaghanistan be considered a clean
> > > strike???
> > > --
> > > Robert LaurenceMartin
> >
> > Didn't W.Bush state that "no distinctions would be made between those
> > involved in the attack and those who harboured them"? That sounds like
> Let's hope he meant military installations only. Like Qadaffi back in 1986...
> Michel

Yeah but ... that didn't have much effect in the Gulf War. Sure it
knocked them back to the stone age, but what we really need to do is get
rid of their present leaders. *sighs* Mind you, if they're not adult
enough to elect/support sensible leaders (as opposed to cheering in the
streets when innocents die) perhaps we can't make that decision for them
and it's best to just knock them back into the stone age. America
doesn't seem to have had much success in "liberating" countries.
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