Tom Brinkman wrote:
> I hear Kabul has some cruise missiles over it right now

So-called ``rebels'' - actually more or less on the same side as the USA 
and the closest thing Afghanistan has to an elected government - seem to 
have attacked Bin Laden.

> Thank God we've got a Texan in the Whitehouse

Texas used to be worth something. Then they got caught trying to secede 
from the Union (had their own currency printed and ready to go, too) and 
have been punished for it ever since.

> rest of y'all can go fsck yourselves


Tom, what do you really expect an attitude like that will result in?

I'll give you a hint. I heard a little boy, less than ten years old, 
quoted as saying that when he grew up, he wanted to be a pilot so that 
he could bomb Americans. Why would a little boy want something like 
that? For fun? Because he was an indoctrinated member of the Taliban 
already? Or has your own attitude been there before? Think about it.

Why on the list? Public abuse, public response.

Learn from chemistry: if you're not part of the solution, you're part of 
the precipitate.

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