Guillaume Rousse ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Ainsi parlait Han :

>> May I do another humble suggestion. Howbout a wrapperscript that
>> installs the symlinks and the other stupid files and killing
>> xscreensaver. 

> I suppose you're talking about the file you need to put in you
> $HOME/.mplayer directory ? Well, i don't think it's possible, cause
> you have to be root to install a package, and root has no way to
> know you real user account. Of course, you could blindly create
> those symlinks in every /home subdir, or in every home directory of
> users whose uid > 500, but that wouldn't be very clean.  Concerning
> xscreensaver, i'm not aware of the problem. I only know of artsd
> conflicts, and impossibility to use soundwrapper.

>> Would it be possible to make a 686 package for the occassion. I
>> heard the difference is about 30%. And off course the skin.

> Yes. Grab the src.rpm and rebuild it yourself, as said in
> description :-) Even if i use i686 myself, maintaining multiple arch
> branches would be too much work for me.

Well I can make a script that makes it all work _for me_ but the thing
is that I have to make to much assumptions about how other people use
there pc. mplayer is just one of those totaly configurable programs.
You really have to study on it to get the best results. But anyway, if
I compare mplayer with the windows players I have, boy does mplayer

But it is not a newbies program. I do agree now that you helped them
as much as you can.

Cya, Han.

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