On Thu, 4 Oct 2001, Guillaume Rousse wrote:

> I suppose you're talking about the file you need to put in you $HOME/.mplayer
> directory ? Well, i don't think it's possible, cause you have to be root to
> install a package, and root has no way to know you real user account. Of
> course, you could blindly create those symlinks in every /home subdir, or in
> every home directory of users whose uid > 500, but that wouldn't be very
> clean.

No. In the mplayer.spec just create a directory called /etc/mplayer and
copy mplayer.conf and codecs.conf to there. Mplayer really needs to be
called mplayer btw.

> Concerning xscreensaver, i'm not aware of the problem. I only know of artsd
> conflicts, and impossibility to use soundwrapper.

I haven't heard of this.


David Walluck

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