On Tue Nov 13, 2001 at 03:04:22AM +0100, Han wrote:

> > Ugh.  Please, no.
> > I had enough ANSI art when I ran my BBS for many years... since I
> > terminated it a year and a half ago, I would really like to progress
> > beyond ANSI art.  Come up with a complete hires framebuffer login with
> > good graphics and people will be more pleased than with some cheezy
> > ansi junk.
> > My $0.02CAN, but I think linux_logo is cool *without* the logos.  Good
> > tool, logos suck.  And considering you can only do so much with ANSI,
> > let's just spare ourselves the pain of looking at a variety of ugly
> > login screens.
> Ow come on they are groovy: How bout this one?
>                ,        ,
>               /(        )`
>               \ \___   / |
>               /- _  `-/  '
>              (/\/ \ \   /\
>              / /   | `    \
>              O O   ) /    |
>              `-^--'`<     '
>             (_.)  _  )   /
>              `.___/`    /
>                `-----' /
>   <----.     __ / __   \
>   <----|====O)))==) \) /====
>   <----'    `--' `.__,' \
>                |        |
>            fL   \       /
>            ______( (_  / \______
>          ,'  ,-----'   |        \
>          `--{__________)        \/

Ok, granted, this one looks alright.  But, then again, we're running
Linux and not FreeBSD... =)

I still really think the idea of any ansi/ascii stuff prior to the
login is just plain ugly and unprofessional.  I would much rather see
stats on the system (ie. use linux_logo to produce a nice display of
uptime, bogomips, load average, CPU/RAM info, etc.).

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