On Mon Nov 12, 2001 at 07:03:57PM +0100, Nicolas Pomarede wrote:

> > > But a bit of variation wouldn't be wrong at all. Can you code it?
> >
> > No, but how about a clean and proper login prompt without any ANSI?
> >
> > As the default, I mean.
> >
> And what about a system that would choose a different ANSI logo randomly
> at each console init ?
> I don't have any drawing skills, but perhaps Mandrake could ask for
> submissions ; I'm sure many people would like to submit their stuff. Then,
> we could vote and keep only the 10 or 20 best ones (to avoid Mandrake
> distrib becomes "bloated" with ansi art).
> Any volunteer ?

Ugh.  Please, no.

I had enough ANSI art when I ran my BBS for many years... since I
terminated it a year and a half ago, I would really like to progress
beyond ANSI art.  Come up with a complete hires framebuffer login with
good graphics and people will be more pleased than with some cheezy
ansi junk.

My $0.02CAN, but I think linux_logo is cool *without* the logos.  Good
tool, logos suck.  And considering you can only do so much with ANSI,
let's just spare ourselves the pain of looking at a variety of ugly
login screens.

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