I have 2 hard drives. hda2 is /boot and hdb2 is /
both of these run ext3 which were built from former
ext2 partitions. When I first did the conversion I had
to mkinitrd before I could get / to use ext3. It had
worked fine until the latest upgrade to kernel
2.4.8-34.1mdk. Now it kicks out trying to do an fsck
because hdb2 is already mounted. Earlier in the boot
process it loaded the ext3 module and checked the
journal for hdb2, then shortly after loading devfs, it
again tries to fsck hdb2 and halts the process with
the error message stating that hdb2 is already
mounted. I have tried creating a new mkinitrd with the
2.4.8-34.1mdk kernel but I still get this message.

Any ideas or is this a known bug? I have researched
the lists and could not find this mentioned yet.

SI Reasoning

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve 
neither liberty nor safety." 
Benjamin Franklin

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