On Tuesdayen den 15 January 2002 19.51, Guillaume Cottenceau wrote:

> Well the "standard" is defined by the W3C[1] but there are really
> few browsers which really follow the standards. 
> Now, cookies are something else, 

Thanks for your answers, I read my mail once more and was taking certain 
things for granted.

If you wish to send a cookie, you have better code for the possibility that 
some have had it off - and give them the possibility to change, if they want 
to get in.

If Amaya can't 'render' your page, you have better make a version that can be 
read by lynx, so that the information you want to pass on can get to the 

Mandrake Linux 8.2 Cooker kernel- version:2002-01-15-15:20

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