On Wednesdayen den 16 January 2002 00.23, Bill Kenworthy wrote:
> There are some html "validators" that you can point to web pages and it
> will pass them and report on standards compliance.  I think w3c have
> some for different standards like html versions and possibly xml.
> BillK
> On Wed, 2002-01-16 at 02:51, Reinhard Katzmann wrote:
> > Hi Guran!
> >
> > > What is the standard? How can I show to him that certain rules has to
> > > be followed to give all visitors the capacity to view the page?
> >
> > There is no real standard. 

I know - and many thanks for your answers. In fact the first thing I did was 
to install Amaya, which is off w3c, and it failed to render the page.

I don't know if you read a research within EU, about the penetration of 'open 
software' within EU. Their finding about Sweden was that they found it 
astonishing that Sweden, with so many computers &c, was the country with the 
least use of Linux. Sweden seams to be playing catch up with the 'Big 
Brother' US.

One of my sons has graduated from that very University, and he was not tought 
much about Unix until he sat in front of a Solaris server. He was trained for 
a Microsoft world.

I just thought that guide lines for Lynx, Opera, Konqueror and Mozilla was 
known more widely.

Mandrake Linux 8.2 Cooker kernel- version:2002-01-15-15:20

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