
I have several PDF documents which do not load properly using
postscript fonts instead of the standard tex fonts (the standard
fonts work fine) when loading them with the Adobe Acrobat Reader.
I get the error 
"Unable to extrace the embedded font 'KXIPNR+NewCenturySchlbk-Roman"
with the simple example below.
I'd like have someone to test this with the current cooker and
tell me if the error happens there as well (I cannot download
whole cooker over the modem, so I cannot test it here, but I could
ask someone to do it for me and install a test partition for cooker
if I knew it works). I'm not sure where the problem might be.

I use latex to "compile" it, dvips to create the postcript document
and finally ps2pdf (tried both 12 and 13 version without success).
Some time ago I tested one document under Win98 with acroread4 and
it worked there. I think this was already with Mandrake 8.1.

Here is the simple test document:

\geometry{margin=70pt, head=-10pt, headsep=0pt, foot=10pt}

\pagestyle{empty}  {\large \ }

Just a small and simple test document

Thanks in advance for the help!

Software-Engineer, Developer for Embedded Devices
Project: Pertergrin, a role playing game system
GnuPG Public Key available on request

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