Hi guran!

On Thu, Jan 24, 2002 at 03:39:42PM +0100, guran wrote:
> On Thursday 24 January 2002 1:11 pm, Reinhard Katzmann wrote:
> Hi
> I imported you little trxt into mcedit and saved it as testit.txt and 
> testit.tex and imported them to LyX.
> testit.tex was correctly imported.
> testit.txt was correctly exported as ps.
> testit.txt failed to be exported as pdf, with the text:
> Error while executing 'ps2pdf' testit.ps

Hmm, something most have gone wrong here, you seem to have included
it as a text file and not as a .tex-File (at least that is what
the output shows me).

I post my Makefile and then you should be able to simply run
"make testit.pdf" to create the pdf file.

-------- Makefile ---------- cut here ------------------------------

LATEX = latex
DVIPS = dvips

all: Lebenslauf2.ps bewerbung3.ps

bewerbung3.ps: adres2.tex

%.dvi: %.tex
        $(LATEX) $<
%.ps: %.dvi
        $(DVIPS) -o $@ $<
%.pdf: %.ps
        ps2pdf12 $< $@
        - rm *.log *.aux 

--------End Of Makefile (EOM :^) ---------- cut here ----------------


Reinhard Katzmann
Software-Engineer, Developer for Embedded Devices
Project: Pertergrin, a role playing game system
GnuPG Public Key available on request

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