Reinhard Katzmann wrote:

> Hi!
> I tried something different which worked: pslatex.
> I also checked that the Century Font is indeed used
> by the conversion which seemed to be the case. I'll
> test more fonts to be sure.
> Now I ask myself why pdflatex works and ps2pdf combined
> with dvips does not correctly work for me (at least not with
> acroread, gv/ggv/kghostview/gs and xpdf work just fine).

pdflatex has it's own pdf engine. Currently the distinct "PDF" engines are:

- dvipdf (uses dvips+ghostscript, i.e. ghostscript with pdfwrite engine, output in PDF 
- pdftex/pdflatex [pdftex engine, output in PDF 1.2]
- dvipdfm [dvipdfm engine, output in PDF 1.2]

while dvips + ps2pdf is more or less same as dvipdf (it has the same ghostscript
pdfwrite engine) but default output is in PDF 1.2.

Also note that pdflatex it's not EXACTLY the same as latex. It's has consciouness of 
and LaTeX macros could work even differently according you are running latex or 

Furthermore in your case, also mapping is different. Currently pdflatex maps the 
NewCentury fonts (which is part of the Adobe Standard 35 fonts embedded in every 
to URW fonts, to be precise NewCenturySchlbk-Roman to
CenturySchL-Roma, and embeds the PFB fonts into the PDF itself.
ps2pdf instead considers NewCenturySchlbk-Romam as "resident" and let Adobe Acrobat 
Reader to map to
the nearest font it has. Now the problem is that Acroread to you gives out the name
KXIPNR+NewCenturySchlbk-Roman instead of NewCenturySchlbk-Roman, but it's a probably a 
problem of Acrobat Reader
(it doesn't happen to me with your example using any PDF engine above) under these 
environment, and not of
the various PDF engines, or better it's probably a problem of this Acrobat Reader, 
under this current
cooker Linux environment (I have to do some strace to see exactly where such KXIPNR 
name comes from, have no time right


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