SI Reasoning wrote on Wed, Feb 27, 2002 at 02:26:56PM -0800 :
> more suspend/resume tests....
> boot up in init 1
> after resume, hard drive light stays lit for a couple
> of minutes and the screen returns and is "lit" but
> still blank. I cannot recognize any keyboard input
> except for the Fn keys. I was able to work as normal
> on the bios (Fn + F1) but nothing within linux. I even
> tried typing init 5 to see if I could recognize disk
> activity, but there was none.

I assume that Alt-SysRq-H shows nothing either?

Blue skies...           Todd
               Todd Lyons -- MandrakeSoft, Inc.
UNIX was not designed to stop you from doing stupid things, because 
  that would also stop you from doing clever things. -- Doug Gwyn

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