On Tuesday 05 March 2002 22:51, Borsenkow Andrej wrote:
> It is development list. People are expected to debug there problems and
> come here with at least suggestions what has to be done to fix them not
> coming here ranting and wining. There are enough other places for it. Or
> at least report problems in such way that makes it possible to track
> them down (not that I am always doing it this way myself :-)

1. a report that there *is* a problem is more useful even with no hint
   of a fix than no report; and

2. having to put up with 90% spurious reports is better than a release
   with a showstopper; and

3. How on earth do you expect to have more developers (who qualify as
   such in your eyes) on this list if you discourage the budding ones
   before they really get started?; and

4. IIRC, in the open source world at least, lists are here for helping
   people, and the best way to do that is to educate people rather than
   simply telling them off; and

5. Many of the people who report to this list have no time, resources
   or specific skills to contribute much more than they do; and

6. A tight feedback loop is a key part of producing excellent software;

6. [Guillame please note] even patches and stuff which seem irrelevant
   to the majority, such as the LVM-on-/ one recently discussed, may
   be useful to *someone*, and so their posting should be encouraged
   for that reason alone; and

7. Open Source is a funny place where the minority are in the majority,
   or in other words, the flexibility and availability of the software
   makes it *possible* (nobody sane claims `easy') for *everyone* to
   get what they want out of it, even if they don't happen to fall near
   the ephemeral `mainstream'; and

8. Who made you list moderator?

So... please go easy on the newbies, please encourage reports even if they 
don't meet your high standards, please acknowledge reports that are useful to 
you, please patiently educate rather than browbeating, or at least hold your 

Cheers; Leon

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