On Wed Mar 06  9:04 +0100, Warly wrote:
> Cooker is our principle and precious development help, as a consequence:
> - If there is too many unexperienced user, developpers will lose a lot
> of time trying to know what it is really going on, and Andrej is right
> to say that if the user investigate a little bit, it is great help and
> will decrease the odds that the bug report is just ignored.
> - If there is too many noise, developpers will stop to read cooker, or
> reduce the time they spend to read it. This is unfortunately already
> happening.
> - We have to encourage people so that the distro will be better and
> better, and trying to help and to teach users as you said Leon is
> certainly a good investment for the quality and the future of the list
> - We do not have to lose time with non efficient people, or people
> that just complain and have no time or no willing to help or to learn.
> - You are right Leon to says that it is more important to know a 
> showstopper than nothing, but it is unlikely than a showstopper will
> only be seen by only newbies and not experienced users, and such
> users have plenty of means to report problems apart from cooker, and
> be filtered by the community and do not make a developper lose his
> precious time 9 times over 10.
> The conclusion is that we must be very demanding on cooker members,
> but we must be also very tolerant with new commers that have a real
> willing to help and to learn. However there are others mailing lists
> for them to learn too, such as expert or like. And it is very
> important that we keep a very high signal/noise ratio, or developpers
> will simply stop reading cooker, and the same pb that we experienced
> with bugzilla will happen. Of course not everyone could be as
> efficient as Andrej and some others are, but if you do not aim at
> that, I think that maybe this list is not for you.

Maybe a Cooker-list welcome page at linux-mandrake.com would be a good
idea?  Something that would explain the list and how to file a good bug
report?  Not quite a real FAQ (that would fill up too quickly and be
obsolete), but a general guide.

It's after 4 AM as I post this, so maybe my brain is non-functional...

Levi Ramsey

When it comes down to desperation,
You make the best of your situation.
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  4:01am  up 8 days, 13:43, 16 users,  load average: 0.17, 0.31, 0.27

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