Luc--- I'm sorry you got shot down the way you did.

Please don't stop being a beta tester.  Beta testers are what makes a great distro release, and you are appreciated! :)  I'm sure Andrej just had a bad day. :(



Luc Roseberry wrote:
Le mar 05/03/2002 à 09:51, Borsenkow Andrej a écrit :
It is development list. People are expected to debug there problems and
come here with at least suggestions what has to be done to fix them not
coming here ranting and wining. There are enough other places for it. Or
at least report problems in such way that makes it possible to track
them down (not that I am always doing it this way myself :-)


Mandrake website suggests to report bugs to that list. If for that I
have to fix all the bugs I find in the beta releases I will stop
"playing" with the beta releases and let the developpers do their tests
and debugging. I am prepared to install beta releases and I am expecting
some problems but not to do developping/debugging. By the way I never
consider reporting bugs as "ranting and wining" but if it is the way
that list sees it let us, plain beta testers, know as we have a life and
something else to do (and at work too).


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