Guillaume Cottenceau wrote:

>"Richard Chase" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>Guillaume Cottenceau wrote:
>>>"Richard Chase" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>>>Please add both. The first is the ethernet device, and the second
>>>>is the 56K modem device.
>>>Since we're in deep freeze post-RC, I'm not really in favor of
>>>adding this at this moment. I'll add it after 8.2 is released.
>>I'm not flaming you personally, but shouldn't all the problems be
>>addressed  before a final release? I have barely been able to
>When we advance towards stability, we change things only to fix
>important bugs because fixing minor bug could lead to appearance
>of important bug, which we can't be sure because it would need
>vast testing.
>>download each beta and install it before the next one is
>>released. While I am in favor of fast development, testing takes
>We have fast test cycles. In general, reporting a bug in beta2
>when beta3 is already out was Ok if bug was still in beta3, of
>>time. It is no wonder the OS never seems to become stable. There
>Each distro targets different markets. Debian is probably one of
>the most stable but the price is that the software is outdated.
>We value very much the fact that we provide recent software.
>>is also a problem with the setup of XFree86 on my machine, which
>>I have posted to this list a couple of times. There doesn't seem
>>to be any interest in that message. ???  It seems that the final
>It probably means that our XFree86 maintainer "rated" your bug
>has less important than tons of other things he had to do. In
>general, providing the solution/fix/patch brings higher chance to
>get the problem really fixed, but it's sometimes very hard :-).
>>release of Mandrake 8.2 will not work correctly on my Dell
>>base-configuration laptop!
I will likely change distributions. Although I also like new software, 
and Mandrake has been my favorite,I would really like to see Linux go to 
the masses (which I thought was the objective of Mandrake), but I see 
that the masses' computers will not be supported without manual tweaking 
(which rules out the masses, doesn't it?)

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