On Mon May 27, 2002 at 06:30:13PM +0200, Alexander Skwar wrote:

> So sprach Yves Duret am 2002-05-27 um 18:16:23 +0200 :
> > so let me know if i put back vsftpd to read /etc/ftpusers instead of 
> Hm, why not make it an alternative or a symlink, just like /etc/aliases
> is a symlink to /etc/postfix/aliases?

Why?  How many people do you think will have wu-ftpd and vsftpd
installed at the same time?  If wu-ftpd provides /etc/ftpusers, and
vsftpd does, that's not a big deal...

I really doubt anyone will have two different FTP servers installed.

One could easily have wu-ftpd and vsftpd provide ftpserver or
something, then put for the LSB a requires on ftpserver (leave proftpd
out of the fix, or have proftpd also provide a 0 byte ftpusers file also).

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