On Sun, 26 May 2002, Vincent Danen wrote:

> On Sat May 25, 2002 at 01:26:28PM +0200, Olivier Thauvin wrote:
> > > On Sun May 19, 2002 at 09:51:41PM +0200, Yves Duret wrote:
> > > I was thinking about it, yes, but discussion with others decided that
> > > two FTP servers was enough for Mandrake (I agree), and my preferred
> > > solution of removing wu-ftpd in favour of vsftpd was not well
> > > received.  =)
> > >
> > IMHO I think it is a good idea to keep wu-ftpd in distrib for some reasons:
> > - - historic reason
> > - - as I know, only wu-ftpd permit to download on the fly .tar and or .gz.
> > 
> > I know wu-ftpd is not the best ftp server, perharps keeping it in contrib.
> wu-ftpd and anonftp would definately be kept in contribs.  Historical
> reasons doesn't really fly with me... AFAIC, if someone can run an FTP
> server, they can download the source and build it themself if they
> can't be bothered to use something decent (yes, I am displaying some
> anti-wu-ftpd sentiment here).
> I don't know about the .tar/.gz thing...  doesn't proftpd do anything
> like that?

The only issue I have with moving wu-ftpd to contribs is I just added it
to the Requires for lsb.  The LSB tests look for /etc/ftpusers, which
wu-ftpd provided.  Does vsftpd also provide this mechanism?

Stew Benedict

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