On Thu, 2002-08-15 at 09:59, Ben Reser wrote:

> > If this has changed in 9 then my apologies but in 8.2 the entries in 
> > lilo.conf for the mandrake kernels all used the vmlinuz symlink which is 
> > libel to change if a new (non mandrake kernel) is compiled thus causing 
> > grief if this kernel compile goes wrong. I really feel that the entries in 
> > lilo.conf should use the full kernel image name to guard against this (or 
> > perhaps some special mandrake kernel link).

> Yeah it's like that so kernel upgrades take effect without editing
> lilo.conf.  If you compile a bad kernel and don't know how to use the
> rescue disk then you probably shouldn't be compiling the kernel.  And
> nothing is stoping you from editing the lilo.conf.

Um...but kernel upgrades change lilo.conf *anyway*. (They put a
specifically directed entry for themselves, labelled with their kernel
version and revision number, at the bottom of the menu - e.g. 2419-1 ,
pointing to - and not just the symlink). If they're going to
do that I don't see what's to stop them editing something else in there.

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