> On Thu, Aug 15, 2002 at 09:34:53AM +0100, Sitsofe Wheeler wrote:
>> Sorry to dredge this up but as Mandrake 9 is still in beta I'm
>> reminded of  few points in theregister "review" of Mandrake 8.2
>> (http://www.theregister.co.uk/content/4/25160.html).
>> In it the reviewer which mentioned how a reinstallation was necessary
>> after a failed kernel compile. I had my own little spin on this myself
>>  when I downloaded the stock kernel and compiled my own "bad" kernel.
>> If this has changed in 9 then my apologies but in 8.2 the entries in
>> lilo.conf for the mandrake kernels all used the vmlinuz symlink which
>> is  libel to change if a new (non mandrake kernel) is compiled thus
>> causing  grief if this kernel compile goes wrong. I really feel that
>> the entries in  lilo.conf should use the full kernel image name to
>> guard against this (or  perhaps some special mandrake kernel link).
>> Concerning the .config file complaint (The config file had almost no
>> relationship to the previously installed system.) - since I don't
>> recompile the mandrake kernel I can't really comment on this.
> Yeah it's like that so kernel upgrades take effect without editing
> lilo.conf.  If you compile a bad kernel and don't know how to use the
> rescue disk then you probably shouldn't be compiling the kernel.  And
> nothing is stoping you from editing the lilo.conf.
> --
> http://ben.reser.org
> If your love has no hope of being welcomed do not voice it; for if it
> be silent it can endure, a guarded flame, within you.
> - The Wisdom of the Sands

Or using grub, which allows you to type in the specific kernel, parameters
and initrd you wish to use.  It's saved me a few times when i built a bad
kernel.  Also, never delete the good kernel before testing the newly built

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