On Thu, 2002-08-15 at 09:26, allen wrote:
> 1.  Huh ?
>     There is a "way" to make your own kernel according to some
>     mandrake concept of what you're supposed to do ?
> 2.  I have always gone and done everything after getting kernel
>     source, lilo, System.map, etc., etc., etc.,
>     Like, "I do hereby assume full responsibility..."
>     And I have not done that with 9B2 yet because it is 9B2
>     and deserves kicking around to see if it breaks.
>     I feel like it is a given that no kernel will come perfectly 
>     out of the box...  any comments appreciated here.
> 3.  I have never seen any "Mandrake says step 1 should be..."
> Readme.txt or something please, or pointer to existing...  

I beleive there is a "Mandrake Kernel HOWTO" at mandrakeuser.org that
walks you thorugh a mdk rpm kernel upgrade, a mandrake kernel source
(install src.rpm and compile) upgrade, and IIRC a "get your source from
kernel.org" upgrade. If it no longer exists please contact me directly,
I'd be interested in helping to write up a new one.

> ?
> -AEF
> On Thursday 15 August 2002 08:10 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > > On Thu, Aug 15, 2002 at 09:34:53AM +0100, Sitsofe Wheeler wrote:
> > >> Sorry to dredge this up but as Mandrake 9 is still in beta I'm
> > >> reminded of  few points in theregister "review" of Mandrake 8.2
> > >> (http://www.theregister.co.uk/content/4/25160.html).
> > > Yeah it's like that so kernel upgrades take effect without editing
> > > lilo.conf.  If you compile a bad kernel and don't know how to use the
> > > Ben Reser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Or using grub, which allows you to type in the specific kernel, parameters
> > and initrd you wish to use.  It's saved me a few times when i built a bad
> > kernel.  Also, never delete the good kernel before testing the newly built
> > one.

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