On Wed Aug 21 19:15 -0500, Igor Izyumin wrote:
> Besides, what happens if the spam filter catches a non-spam email?  You can 
> never trust those systems, because they are pretty stupid.  Only sufficiently 
> advanced users should be using them, and only when they know the 
> consequences.  The best solution to the spam problem is to not stick your 
> email into every form out there (or to have a "junk" email addy on hotmail or 
> something).  Trying to filter spam with stupid keyword-based tools 
> (spamassassin) is dangerous, and making it a default is insane.

Only the truly insane spamassassin user would auto-delete spamassassin
tagged emails.  Personally, I just route spam-tagged mail into a
separate folder and manually delete spam from there.

Levi Ramsey

Was it something I said?
And the stars look down.
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  8:30pm  up 1 day,  5:22,  8 users,  load average: 0.45, 0.40, 0.31

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