On Wednesday 21 August 2002 06:54 pm, Ben Reser wrote:
> Tell the email clients and the mail servers to put hooks in for using
> tools like spamassassin.  As it stands now it's not designed to be used
> by the average end user.  All that could/would change if email clients
> (in particular) and mail servers included hooks for spamassassin and
> it's brethren.  But they don't.  Which leaves us with using procmail.
> And parsing and adding procmail rules for someone is pretty much
> impossible to do in a way that is reliable.  So don't ask Mandrake to
> fix this.  Ask your favorite mail client/server author to add support
> for it.
> Simply making their client/server capable of internally sending messages
> to spamd would be more than sufficient to make this possible.

Besides, what happens if the spam filter catches a non-spam email?  You can 
never trust those systems, because they are pretty stupid.  Only sufficiently 
advanced users should be using them, and only when they know the 
consequences.  The best solution to the spam problem is to not stick your 
email into every form out there (or to have a "junk" email addy on hotmail or 
something).  Trying to filter spam with stupid keyword-based tools 
(spamassassin) is dangerous, and making it a default is insane.
-- Igor

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