On Wednesday 21 August 2002 08:15 pm, Igor Izyumin wrote:
> Besides, what happens if the spam filter catches a non-spam email?  You can
> never trust those systems, because they are pretty stupid.  Only
> sufficiently advanced users should be using them, and only when they know
> the consequences.  The best solution to the spam problem is to not stick 
> your email into every form out there (or to have a "junk" email addy on 
> hotmail or something).  Trying to filter spam with stupid keyword-based 
> tools (spamassassin) is dangerous, and making it a default is insane.

The obvious solution if the goal is to provide something out of the box
that works with one or more mail clients is to dump "such" mail into
a spam folder of the particular user.

That way it is not zapped, and yet easily zapped.

The point is, the mail came to the machine in order to "hit" spamassassin
or anything else.  It was not blocked before reaching the machine.

Therefore...  many possibilities...


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