Le Jeudi 5 Septembre 2002 13:38, [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :
> warly wrote:
> W> We definitely need to improve our bug system, and you are all
> W> welcome to give suggestions so that we could make it fitting your
> W> needs, as well as ours.
> Here's a thought: maybe both the cooker list and bugzilla should be
> replaced with a forum-like website, where people post their bug
> reports and other people moderate them up if they seem to have
> merit. You'd want it to have some bugzilla features. Maybe what I'm
> getting at is more like a publicly accessible bugzilla with comments
> and moderation like in the forum. Except that nobody seems to use the
> moderation features of the forum. But if people knew that bugs which
> got modded up were more likely to be fixed, I think they'd use it.
> The nice thing about forums like Slashdot or MandrakeForum is that
> they are a lot easier to skim for casual users looking for a specific
> issue without wading through hundreds of messages in your inbox... the
> forum structure helps make it easier to skip the messages I don't care
> about today. Marrying bugzilla and php-nuke could lead to something
> useful here. It might also help with the stability issues the cooker
> list has been having lately.
> Just a thought...

Another thought : 
we definitely need a way to proceed rapidlyer, and more easily.
To do so, i think the most usefull feature would be a pre-formatted input so 
that each essential information should be present and checked.
Example :
release -
package -
seriousness -
category (driver / security / bugfix / ...)
Has some tests been made to cope for it ?
If yes, which ones
Some description of the problem.

This is more or less what is already done, but in a more formal way, it would 
be rapidlyer.
Last, one could save its preference (so you don't have to retype everything).

Finally two points :
- subject must stay clear (no 5 points in one mail)
- no discussion about copyleft / GPL or so, many times we trow away these 
messages because they have nothing to do with the topic of cooker ...
- the subject must be used in the good thread (not like mine)

And it's tree points :-(

I just want to help.
No troll here !


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