Once upon a time, on Thursday 05 September 2002 01:53 am, the famous sage 
Warly did write:

> We tried to set up MandrakeExpert as primary front-end for newbies,
> unfortunately some third party doing support for us just do not care about
> beta version and do not bother bringing us back such pb (this is my
> personal unique view which I must be the only one to be blame for just in
> case).

Indeed there is trouble there. I tried reporting something thru 
MandrakeExpert, and the responder who eventually responded (after a few tries 
on my part) had NO IDEA how to get the bug info to the developers. Scratch 
MandrakeExpert as a usable option for bug reporting. 

> I tried to change bugzilla, to have a more explicit package/version
> reporting, with a mail system to ease developers job, it is a bit better,
> but not nice enough yet.
> At present cooker is the better bug reporting system, because most of
> subscribers are linux-aware and help us a lot in bug finding and fixing.

I'm sorry, but this is flad dead WRONG. I have 200 mails in my box today, 
maybe 5 of which are relevant to any bug I posted. Using Cooker to report one 
bug and expecting a reply (so you know the message got there) is like 
drinking from a firehose. If I go away for a week, my Internet provider will 
shut down my account 'cause the inbox will be gigantic. How shall I even find 
the reply to my bug report over say, 5 days, in the middle of a thousand 
messages? Scratch Cooker as a viable bug reporting option for most people if 
they want follow-up. I think that you will find that Bugzilla users, IF they 
get the level of response there that Cooker users get here, will on average 
be comparably helpful to you. If you don't water the plant, you can't blame 
it for wilting and dying..

> Our main problem is to qualify bug, because if the maintainer knows that
> there will be one good bug report over 10 in bugzilla, he will not spend
> the time reading all these 10 to find the good one, he will just ignore it.

As opposed to the 200 unrelated Cooker mails I've just waded through to find 
this one? I'm sorry, that is not at all credible. 

Another problem with using Cooker for bug management is that, unlike 
Bugzilla, there's NO mechanism for tracking bug status, other than whatever 
ad-hoc scratch paper a developer uses (or doesn't use). I do QA as part of my 
job; the need for a formal, traceable bug tracking system is standard 
industry "best practice". Personally, I suspect this is why some developers 
might dislike Bugzilla, cause it remembers things and they cannot as easily 
be "quietly ignored" in favor of more appealing tasks.  

Please don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to attack either you or 
Mandrakesoft; I just see a desperate need here that Mandrakesoft isn't 
addressing. I'm trying to help.

Regards, Steve


Steve Hersey N1XNX

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