Le Jeudi 19 Septembre 2002 23:02, Nelson Bartley a écrit :
> LOL! Well Said.
> Whoever said that package had to leave CONTRIBS shoulda have been shot
> (But grats to Guillaume for reacting so quickly). Contribs is there for
> a reason. It's not part of the "standard" distribution, and god forbid,
> should you install all 4.7 GB of OS w/ ALL the contribs you might even
> find this little package on your system.
> Though I won't be running it on my desktop (given I don't have enough
> time to be entertained by it), I do think it is a very tastefully done
> program.

IMHO, contrib is not for you or me, maybe you don't want to use it, but, 
someone will looking for it, If I package a soft for me, I always think 
someone else want it. I was happy in past to find in contrib a unusefull 
package when I need it.

I one and only one other poeple want/can use it, putting it in contrib is a 
good idea ! Even if the package is use only by two poeple.
I will always take time to keep older package in contrib... for historic 
reason. That's why I ressusite xbill !

But here the problem is the picture... This Bellaminette is very nice when I 
my computer works a lot. Fortnally, I run seti@home !
Thanks to Guillaume, thanks to Bruno Bellamy.

Linux pour Mac !? Enfin le moyen de transformer
une pomme en véritable ordinateur. - JL.
Olivier Thauvin - http://nanardon.homelinux.org/

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