SI Reasoning wrote:

>Buchan Milne ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote*:
>>On Sun, 22 Sep 2002, SI Reasoning wrote:
>>>Then why not revert to the package before the bug? It is a pretty serious bug to
>>>ship with if it creates issues inter-connecting with other windows computers.
>>>However it may be handled, it was a mistake to ship a final version with a major bug
>>>like that, regardless if you are microsoft or mandrake.
>>Sorry for shouting, but these questions should have been asked then, not
>>now. This is exactly why bugs must be reported as soon as possible.
>I understand your frustration, however, because of the magnitude of the bug,
>something should have been done, one way or the other. The simplest was to delay
>release until it was fixed. If I recall, the issue was resolved within a few weeks
>in cooker.
>>>The Microsoft OS and Office Suite are very expensive but mature software right now.
>>>Sort of like Novell was when Microsoft released NT4. Linux is still in the rapidly
>>>maturing stage so it will still be a little rough around the edges with its
>>>productivity packages, etc. However, Mandrake can still make all of the pieces work
>>>well together for each release. It is often the little things that get lost in the
>>>rush to release that has kept Mandrake from becoming a desktop app at our office. I
>>>maintain both systems, and I can tell you that every little issue that comes up gets
>>>magnified by users who are rushed and don't get the rsponses they expect (this is
>>>beyond user ignorance issues). If you get too much of these, then everyone is slowed
>>>down and the heavy grumbling starts.
>>Don't tell me you don't have similar issues with MS Office (because you
>>would be lying).
>>Your jobs as an admin is partly to shield users from software bugs. You
>>test the stuff before you deploy it for any issues you find. Once it is
>>deployed, if there are issues YOU FIX THEM.
>Bugs are only bugs if you run into them, most of the secretaries still use
>wordperfect 8 (which is very buggy), but they know where their bugs are now. I have
>not had any bugs reported to me from Office XP, but I also let my brother (the
>pro-ms boy) handle most MS related problems and he only comes to me when he is 
winxp pro would crash completely every week on my wife, until I 
dual-booted her comp with mandraake 8.2 not one crash since. ( must have 
been loadlin error as lilo boot no errors )

>>This goes for all software.
>>With Mandrake cooker, you have the opportunity to have them fixed in the
>that is one of the reasons I love linux and particularly Mandrake. I like the
>community software approach and cooker is one of the best examples of that.
>>>I remember installing NT4 and having it available for the office staff. It was (and
>>>still is) a nightmare to install, had major bizarre quirks (including one major one
>>>whenever switching video cards and it won't accept the new drivers). however most of
>>>these bugs were administrative ones and the users were relatively unaware of them.
>>>It is easier for administrators to deal with these things (but of course NT4 was for
>>>corporate desktops and not users). Mandrake is designed for both. It think it does a
>>>very decent job of it too, but have always been frustrated by the fact that each
>>>release seemed like an almost ready. That is why I am trying to encourage to take
>>>the extra step and fix the little things before release.
>>So where were your bug reports as soon as cooker was unfrozen after 8.2???
>I had to get focused on other products and trying to integrate Mandrake as much as
>possible. My understanding of things is that cooker related bugs are reported to the
>cooker. Where are released distro related bugs reported? I did report a few things
>shortly after release but then the complaints started coming from the developers
>that this was not the proper place for them.
>>9.0 is going probably going to be the first linux desktop most of our
>>users will see. Why? Because I have done some work getting the software we
>>are going to be relying on fixed, and we are getting the last few pieces
>>in place to make things go smoothly.
>This sounds wonderful. I don't think one could ask for much more. Like I said, these
>complaints are based on my participation in 8.2 development. I have not participated
>in this development cycle and don't really know the state of 9.0 outside of what I
>read here. I am only trying to encourage taking the extra time to iron out the
>little issues that can make all of the difference.
>SI Reasoning
>gpg public key
>The significant problems we face cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that 
>created them.
>-Albert Einstein

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