Le Wed, 25 Sep 2002 22:40:36 +0000, Levi Ramsey a écrit :

> On Wed Sep 25 19:20 -0700, Quel Qun wrote:
>> I think the mailing list has reached its limit. It was very frustrating
>> to send problem reports and see them vanish in cyberspace because the
>> list suddenly collapsed. We complain about incomplete reports, but it
>> takes time to write a detailed message, cutting and pasting standard out
>> and co. I cannot afford keeping several terminals per problem open for
>> hours.
> Was it hardware overload that took the lists down?  Or software overload
> at lists with too much traffic?

It was a DNS resolving issue on our mail server, which was affecting 
not only cooker mailing list but all mandrakesoft emails :((
I think it is "murphy's law" in release team... Usually we had problem
with our compilation cluster.. This time, it was the mailing list :)

> Perhaps it might make sense to segment the cooker list.  Have cooker-kde,
> cooker-gnome, and cooker-apache in addition to a general cooker list. 
> Users who have no interest in running Apache can decide not to subscribe
> to cooker-apache but instead get a daily digest, and so forth.  Fred
> Crozat could then spend most of his time on the cooker-gnome list and
> ignore the KDE list.  Developers who only work on Apache can stick to that
> list.

This is not needed.. I don't read mails which are about KDE or Install
(well, I read them but very quickly).. If only people were using real
topics and split their mails, it would be easier to track :)

Frédéric Crozat

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