On Wednesday 25 September 2002 12:35 pm, Warly wrote:
> Please comment on what you liked, disliked in the 9.0 building, testing
> and problem reporting process.

1.  I feel like I contributed at least a little bit, that's good.

2.  I feel like mysterious people in a basement somewhere did all the work
    and I never got to know what they "were about to do" before they did it.

    Not fun, no "meatware" interactivity in this category.

    Therefore, the whole thing feels like it was "shoot from the hip"
    meanwhile what happened to all the "strategery" points behind 
    all that was actually done ?

3.  I somehow feel like little or no effort was made to explain choices
    that were made in foundational elements like particular kernel version,
    c, c++ compiler, libc, glibc, etc., and also what the known consequences
    are... and therefore the strategies are...  and all packages must conform
    to x.y.z standards...

    Feels like "shoot from the hip... to completion" whether or not that's
    the deal, that's what it feels like.

This kind of feedback ?


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