On Thu, 2002-09-26 at 03:35, Warly wrote:

> Please comment on what you liked, disliked in the 9.0 building, testing 
> and problem reporting process.

I think there were far too many posts to the cooker list about issues
that were user problems. Now, these are important certainly because if
there's too many user problems then the software isn't simple enough.
However, I really think there needs to be a way to separate these from
"real" issues. I mentioned two ways in a post I made a little while ago.
I'll make them again, but briefer this time.

1. a "testing" system, kinda like debian. Basically just a cooker mirror
of packages that haven't changed in a week or so and are thus in some
sense "stable".

2. a trust metric system for bug reporters.

(1) would allow these people who just became frustrated with cooker to
still make useful contributions about the usability of the system (this
should have a separate mailing list)

(2) would be useful because it would give a fast indication of where the
problems lie (I'm thinking of tying this into drakbug or something), and
automatically filter out "noise"

Just a thought.


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