On torsdagen den 26 september 2002 15.09 David Walser wrote:
> --- Lenny Cartier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Thu, Sep 26, 2002 at 12:04:07PM +0200, Buchan
> >
> > Milne wrote:
> > > I presume the contrib tree will be copied across
> >
> > to stable later, but
> >
> > > when? Is it worthwhile making small fixes to
> >
> > packages in contribs now?
> >
> > > Will new packages (just got cdbakeoven compiling,
> >
> > thus it just went in
> >
> > > last night) make it into 9.0 contrib?
> > >
> > > Lenny?
> >
> > Contribs have been forked to make an extra cd for
> > powerpacks. So maybe
> > we can put this content under the 9.0 tree; but it's
> > not the whole
> > contribs repository, just some subjective choices...
> That'd be a shame, there's some good stuff in contribs
> that never made the CDs, it'd be too bad if people
> could have all that good stuff to add to 9.0.  And
> actually, if they can't, what's the point of contrib?
> Just something for us few Cookers?

Hmm..., so what's on these 3 cd:s then?

Regards // Oden Eriksson
Deserve-IT Networks -> http://d-srv.com

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