Florent BERANGER <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > TV cards support is not top in Mdk (drakxtv doesn't handle all bttv > cards,
drakxtv is just a wrapper : - on top of scantv (channels wizard) - for bttv & tuner parameters (bttv configuration). drakxtv list of tv card is bttv one. period. > kwintv is broken). this is not mdk specific > I've send a patch for USB TV cards first step support and ??? and ???? : RCS file: /cooker/soft/ldetect-lst/lst/usbtable,v Working file: usbtable head: 1.61 branch: locks: strict access list: symbolic names: keyword substitution: kv total revisions: 61; selected revisions: 61 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.61 date: 2002/10/15 07:35:42; author: tvignaud; state: Exp; lines: +17 -7 add support for usb video devices (florent beranger) ... no comment .... > For info, here an another (I haven't tried because I don't have a > PCI TV card) PCI TV card configurator : > obsolete, untestes, unmaintained ... and you're happy about it .....