On Thu, 14 Nov 2002, Faraj Meir wrote:

> > Somoen mentinned a tool called tranfugdrake, which do this.
> > After all, it could be a great thing no ?
> > At least for some basics things, such a internet connection.
> >
> yep but not only ...
> generaly anything is better that nothing.... a tool like this will be great
> even it's uncomplete...
> > even if you say there is remplacement on windows, they will say it sucks.
> > Everybody use winzip, and it sucks.
> no , I doesn't like at all winzip (on windows I use windows commander) .
> it's not true each  version of mandrake I go to it test each beta in hope to
> del
> the windows partition , I and a lot of other would be glad to do that but
> really
> linux is not simple as windows and not yet for daily use .
> >
> > On other thing , you can use flash without paying 350 euros to Macromedia,
> I
> > mean, if you are honest.
> > But most people are not honest.
> > Sad but true.
> yep crack it ;-) or make your company buy it for you .
So, what is the point of moving to Linux then, if Windows is so wonderful
and Linux really sucks? The "free as in free beer" (which seems to be the
case already with cracked stuff)? Trading in the uncomfty feeling of being
a factual thief with the uncomfty feeling that you can tweak your machine
beyond "Next>Next>Next>Finish"?

My advice is to either make a choice and stop whining in the wrong place
or to profit from both worlds and pay $$ and/or a learning curve. ...like
anything in life...

Linux is like evolution, if you are lucky, what you need emerges, if not
too bad, nobody forces you to use it. On the other hand, if you are a
breeder(i.e. tweaker) or gene technologist(i.e. programmer), you create
your own species or sponsor people to do so. You can curse all you want,
it won't help. Relax and you will see the beauty that's already there or
stay on your own cosy planet if you don't like to space travel. It is not
our fault "They" don't cater to our planet.


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