On Fri, Nov 15, 2002 at 12:16:47AM +0200, Thomas Backlund wrote:
> How about this:
> Since there is a switch to disable the check,
> why not add a switch that changes the TERMINATE mode to WARNING mode?
> example:
> if this:
> %define _unpackaged_files_terminate_build 0
> disables  the check,
> why not add:
> %define _unpackaged_files_warning_build 1
> (or whatever suitable ...)
> to change the terminate mode to warning mode.
> Then all should be happy, since it would give all what they want,
> - Terminate Mode
> - Warning Mode
> - No Warnings or Terminate mode..

Won't work.  Then people will set that in their macros file and builds
will fail for other people.  If we're going to do it anyway warning
should be default.  People who want terminate should be able to enable


"If you're not making any mistakes, you're flat out not trying hard
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