BTW fonts 9 and less don't show up in OO...

but zooming fix the issue !!!

Damian Gatabria wrote:
My "invisible" fonts were size 10. Even pushing them up to 12 didn't make
them visible; neither did increasing the cell sizes both vertically and
horizontally. Changing the zoom ratio was the only workaround I have found.


So, these font glitches can vary so much....
i have recently installed kde 3.0.5 from the unsupported RPMS
available (Therefore i upgraded Qt) and now i have neither
AA nor TTF fonts! and any font smaller than 9pt is invisible
here in OO...

Apparently, the "small fonts are invisible" is related to freetype2
whereas all the rest of the weirdness is related to Qt, however:

i tried to roll back to the "old" freetype2
i had been using, (a tweaked RPM made by Texstar) since an upgrade to freetype2 is what broke stuff first -- and my problem
with fonts in OO persisted :o? So maybe Qt is to blame?



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