I have lost track of this .. Is there any fix for it ?


Damian Gatabria wrote:
This leads me to believe that it *is* a new problem, but now you introduce
doubt. And I had it so neatly wrapped up in a little package. Sigh. Perhaps
it is an old problem that had been fixed but has returned?


hmm.. well i can't say i *did* something to encounter that issue,
i simply bumped into it months ago while i was testing a bucketload
of TTF fonts all over the system.. i don't recall ever updating the
box in question (other than installing kde3), so it was probably stock
freetype, and the "s p a c i n g p r o b l e m" seemed to
get worse or much worse, according to the font i chose.
The most problematic was gnome-terminal. after some time i gave up
trying to fix it... the last time i tried to use it, it would create
a window so wide it didn't fit in the screen. (1024x768 screen)

Obviously not many people experienced this in 8.2, so it's possible
that it showed up only under certain circumstances that i'm
not able to guess..

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