On Thursday 28 November 2002 00:14, Stephen Pickering wrote:

> >I _really_ do not want to start the deb. vs. rpm holy wars again, but
> >I get so sick of hearing it from deb-heads.  Why are debs so much
> >better than rpms?  Tell me what you can do on a Debian box that you
> >can't do on a Mandrake box, package installation-wise.
> >
> >b.
> Gentoo ?
> I think the following is a good read:
>     http://www.distrowatch.com/article-rpm.php

I really want to hear something why debs are better than rpms. But noone had 
show me the advances clear. The above article bashing a lot on rpm's but I've 
seen no arguments in there. Why should I could install rpms from SuSE on 
Mandrake and other way round ? Ok it might be good if I could do so, but 
where is there the argument for debs ? I can install debs safely on debian , 
thats it, but I can install mdk-rpms on mandrake mostly safely, so where is 
the argument ?
I really want to hear:

Is it easier to make good debs than making good rpms ?
Is it easier to make debs at all ?
Why is it easier ?
What could be done to make it easier to make RPMs , or what does RPM lacks so 
that it isn't possible to make it easier ?
Could there be made a GUI for making RPMs safely out of sources , fast and 
easy ?

The only thing I thought a lot of times is, that I would love to see for 
Mandrake  "Meta-packages" 
Don't know if this Idea was discussed before, but I think this would be 
urpmi meta kde ==> install the kde-selection that was in the install process 

urpmi meta developer ==> same for the developer selection 

I install mostly only a few things on a new install, if I need something I go 
and fetch it with urpmi. Maybe the "urpmf file => urpmi package"-process 
could be easily automated too ? 

The next thing is that these suggested ways in the article are only usable for 
high-bandwith-users. Has anyone tried apt-get dist upgrade with ISDN or modem 
? Or anyone out there who tried install Gentoo with modem ? I don't think so 

Just my 2 cent.



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