On Thu, 2002-12-12 at 14:53, francesco.melo wrote:
> Charles A Edwards wrote:
> >Has anyone been successful getting the new 4191 nvidia drivers to work on current 
> >
> >I get a driver mod error and am dropped to shell.
> >
> >I can revert to the 3123 drivers and without changing anything in my XF86Config-4 
>boot to X without problem. 
> >
> >
> >    Charles
> >
> >----------------
> >"It's men like him that give the Y chromosome a bad name."
> >----------------------
> >Charles A Edwards
> >----------------------
> >
> >
> >  
> >
> yes me too
> no screen found :))
> revert to 3123 works ..
> francesco

Runs fine on two machines - one with TNT2-Pro and other with GForce DDR

I first went to non graphical mode (init 3) - then I rmmod the old
NVdriver - downloaded the TARs and compiled (simply "make install") -
then restarted X (init 5) - all was OK

Hope this helps.

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