On Saturday 28 December 2002 10:58 pm, Götz Waschk wrote:
> I don't know if the religious stuff in the docu is GPL compliant,
> because it somehow limits the availability of the application. At
> least I feel offended by this text:

> If you want to use this program to make music that is against God and
> Jesus (like HeavyMetal, NewAge,..) STOP and think that you'll be
> judged someday by God Himself for causing people to lose the way to
> Salvation and go to hell. This will happen, no matter if you'll use my
> program, else's program or anything else against Jesus's name.

It doesn't actually limit the distribution at all.

It _suggests_ that you _consider_ not using it for purposes contra to the 
author's ideals. In  a way, if you considered it limiting, you'd have to 
consider it to limit *all* music programs capable of producing heavy metal, 
newage and the like.

Cheers; Leon

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