On Thu, 2003-01-16 at 03:58, Adam Williamson wrote:

> > It means that they have some breathing room and clearance from their
> > debtors so that they can continue business as almost normal.  It also
> > means that we need to buckle down and try to make this company some
> > money any way we can.
> I really don't understand this position.

Then I'll clarify it with a post I contributed to the expert list.

 On Thu, 2003-01-16 at 07:49, Wolfgang Bornath wrote:

> I also regard Miark's response a fine wrap-up of the whole thing.
> To you US-Americans and French people such a "bankrupt but still in
> business" is common ground and well understood as a positive step
> towards a healthy business.
> The difficulty is to tell it to folks like mine (Germans) who don't
> have that kind of "Chapter 11". Well in a sense we have it too but the
> normal way is: "You can't pay your bills and you don't get investors 
> to do that for you? You can't find a larger company to buy you out?
> You're out." The business will be closed and everything will be sold
> to satisfy the creditors. You can start with a new business.

Ouch.  A very unforgiving system....

The reasons that bankruptcy protection are done over here are probably
manyfold.  But one that comes to mind right away is that if you
disassociate the organization, you also are dissolving the people
infrastructure, which is the REAL TRUE valuable thing about the
company.  For instance, Mandrake now has a system of programmers and
systems personnel that work well together, and know each other's habits;
a unique plethora of interactive habits that all come together to help
produce the result we know as the Mandrake distro.  In a forgiving
system that allows for mistakes, such a positive system can weather bad
times with it's unique virtues intact, allowing those positive virtues
of the people infrastructure to grow stronger, and the company to
evolve.  Companies are not static entities, they are dynamic and
continually evolving.  A Chapter 11 style protection allows the
evolution to continue, instead of truncating it and then having to
rebuild a people infrastructure that has a completely different (and
perhaps inferior) set of characteristics about it.

In my view, people systems are individuals; unique in the same way that
individuals themselves are unique.  That's why I've always considered it
very important that I be a part of the Mandrake club; that is my way of
protecting that individuality that is the people infrastructure of

This list here is a people system; so is the newbie; so is the cooker. 
And further, these people systems are all part of the larger
Mandrakesoft system.  The characteristics of these lists (I believe)
reflect on Mandrake system at large; showing those characteristics that
are prevalent in the French company.  The fact that we are all here
shows that we all have characteristics within our unique selves that
extrapolate to the larger entity with ease.  That's why we all enjoy
being on the lists.  That's also why we should and mostly do support the


Kernel  2.4.18-6mdk     Mandrake Linux  8.2
Enlightenment 0.16.5-11mdk    Evolution  1.0.2-5mdk
Registered Linux User #268899 http://counter.li.org/

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