On Fri, 2003-01-17 at 19:51, Lyvim Xaphir wrote:

> > > He was talking about your comparison of the situations not being fair,
> > > not about fairness in the business world with regard to Mandrake's IBM,s
> > > and Red Hat's financial decisions.  You know that and so does everybody
> > > else. John was correct.
> > 
> > That may have been what he was talking about, but my point is that
> > that's completely irrelevant. 
> One point I'd like to make is that you use the word irrevelant quite
> excessively, mostly when you don't want to mentally encompass the other
> person's point of view; the other person is always irrevelant, yet your
> pov is not.  In this case, once again, you blatantly obfuscate the idea
> that John was putting across, which is that this is an apples to oranges
> comparison; thus useless for sane debate in the arena in which you began
> discussion.  You comparison is perhaps useful in a one minded mentally
> rabid debate, which seems to be where it's at right now.
> >>>>snip rest of blah<<<<<<
> --LX

Nope, I say something's irrelevant when it's irrelevant to what I'm
saying. If you frame something as a reply to something I say, but in
fact what you're saying isn't relevant to the point I made, I'm going to
call you on it, and that's what I did. His point is valid in its way,
and if he'd made it in a separate post I wouldn't have replied to it the
way I did here; but if he's going to say it as if it refuted what I
said, then I'm sorry, but he's wrong. It doesn't.

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