Teletchéa Stéphane wrote:

Le jeu 23/01/2003 à 14:23, Robert Fox a écrit :

On Thu, 2003-01-23 at 12:08, Warly wrote:

Shouldn't we agree on making compromise and selecting some
applications instead of including everything ? As an example shouldn't
we agree on making xcdroast, or k3b, the mandrake default burner, and
convince everybody to test it and make it good enough for everyone,
instead of having 5 of them ?

Well said!!! I think we should use a voting system (like the RPM
package voting in the MandrakeClub) which narrows down the top apps like
e-mail, browser, news reader, text editor, etc.

Having a default application and maybe one alternative (second runner
up) would help reduce confusion for newbies and make the distro more
manageable size wise.

The third and fourth tier softwares could then be available from a
"Mandrake Updateable" website (kinda like the PLF and Texstar's stuff)

This would be awesome!

Great idea Warly!

I think i agree for almost what i said, but i would remind you some
stuff :
as a scientist, i use specific applications which are not very useful in
day-to-day usage (xmgrace, pybliographic, xdrawchem), so they will not
collect enough votes.
But these are mandatory for me and some others ...

I think these applications should stay in the downloadable isos.
For day-to-day applications, i think it could be a great idea to have
two applications for each task (may be one for kde, the other for

Other applications could be available via Mandrake Club if desired. It
could be a good way to enrich the club's lack of attract (except for
charity reasons) : here is a good way to improve the Club's attracting


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I hate to say this, but in fact Lindows in version 3.0 is doing most of what we are doing in the Club as far as apckages, but giving one year access for those that buy systems with Lindows on, then selling at $99.00 per year for access after that.

Essentially, $99.00 per user or machine per year would pay for a huge hunk of bandwidth. Am willing to stay at silver membership (cannot afford higher right now) but would suggest going to a level that cuts out the lowest level or where the lowest level cuts out library access for non-core upgrades and additional tested packages, starts at about $100.00 per year, and give 3-6 months access with a boxed set purchase. At that income\user point, most of the apps we are culling could be libraried on club mirrors and at that level, Mandrake could get a professional data librarian to track the main mirror(which in essence is why Lindows went to the software library concept, they run a limited number of very high speed and high capacity mirrors, and library memberships pay for a lot of the pure data handling costs (as opposed to dev costs). While I do not mean to suggest a me-too thing here, I do think the general principle holds water, with RPM and mirror content management a librarian kind of thing that the club could fund if done right.

Down the line, we might build a Scientific ISO, a Media ISO, and use the category chunking to advantage as a library management thing-- if we get enough call to build an ISO, and enough users then download to pay for the cost of generating a valid tested ISO, then we could also sell same pre-burned as add-on packages. I am going to propose this also on the Club, see if can get a bunch of feedback. If you want, will echo that to AOLM NG also, see what the response is.


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